Sunday, March 11, 2012

Writing response 4

Authors note: Remarque is setting a scene in  this chapter that shows the boys realizing what it means to be a man of war. How to take care of yourself and those close to you. that is why I decided to write a poem.

my ears are banging
the bombs are falling
Our lives are hanging
as we are all bawling

my pulse increases
everyone sees my pain
everything is flying in pieces
and falling down on me like rain

The roar of our friends
makes our bodies quiver
as the noise of the bombs end
as we see that terrible red river

I will live another day
even though my friends are dead
how will I go on today
with a broken thread

And though this day I feel so sad
I know that I am still alive
Even though the battle was so bad
My friends death gives me drive

I will not fail them
those so close to me
and I will pray for their mum
and this is how it will be

This is the mimic line I chose to use. "The roar of the guns makes our lorry stagger, the reverberation raging away to the rear."(53)

The roar of our friends makes our bodies quiver as the noise of the bombs end as we see that terrible red river.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

All quiet on the western front chapter 2

In Chapter two of the novel All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Remarque is trying to convey a message of "Manhood and Childhood". The loss of innocence is great for these young men because it shows that the war's horrendus deeds are erasing the images of childhood, these young men are starting to realize what it means to become an adult.
Though these so called "iron youth"(19) seem ready to fight and survive, they don't know what it means yet. Paul and his friends still have the innocence  and must be woken up to show that they know what to do and how to do it so that they might be able to understand and act upon their will to survive this war. For these boys thought that war would be easy and that they could be lazy, yet once they saw Kimmerich die then Paul realized. Life is something so fragile that it can be taken at any moment. Now is the time to wake up and say that he lives in this world and that he will survive. Now is the time in our lives to let go of the childish things. We no longer need the rattle or to be coddled, for we are strong and can understand right from wrong. There will be things in life that are uncomprehendable, but there will also be no limits to what we can learn and what we know. For we are still kids at heart even if we do not show it. But our outside appearance is who we are shown in that world. Will we be a coward? Courages? Scared? We may never know unless we can control and get up out of the play pen to show who we can be. Just like these boys need to learn in this novel.

Life, Death, Beauty

Life, what is it?
Beauty, what is it?
Death, what is it?
These three things are portrayed in our lives. They represent us every-where we go and in almost everything we see and read. Our minds are controlled by those who are able to think outside the boundaries of these three things. Our life is not contained in a box, yet we go through every day as though we believe it is just another day. We need to go through every day as though it is our last on this earth. In the Bible, Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He lived a live of amazement and magnificance yet still he loved us and even though he was hated here and loved there he lived outside the boundaries. His death was beautiful and not just the way it was set up, but because what he died for. The movies are a good example of this, they portray a specific death as a beatiful scene even though someone is dying. These are the outer limits, they can make or break you, all you must do is choose.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Authors note: I decided to write about how good vs. evil brings out the things like temptation, sacrifice, redemption, and burdens throughout this novel. these things are important attributions that show this book the style it was written and whit it was written that way with these strange characters.

In the novel Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide the author Stevenson show that The characters are elluded and burdened with temptation, sacrifice and redemption. Mr. Utterson is trying to uncover the case of Mr. Hyde while his friend Dr. Jekyll is sick at home locked in his cabinet. He won't come out and the butler and servants are worried that Dr. Jekyll has died and someone else is in there passing them notes. Mr. Utterson is trying to help the butler as he sacrifices his will and freedom to go against and fight for this burden that has been holding him down.

When Dr. Utterson recieves a letter from Dr. Jekyll telling him that he is still alive he realizes that his friend has been messing around with his potions and became the monster from within. He was the good and evil, both were connected inside him and they surrounded his imgae and understanding. Life brings us many challenges, some that are harder than others. But it is those times that we fall to temptation that we show our weakness and are in a hole.

 We must sacrifice everything we have and redeem ourselves to get out and show that we can recover from weakness and temptation. For Dr. Jekyll, the temptation of using potion to turn into a monster was so great that he stuck that way until he could sacrifice to find a cure and redeem himself to never make the same mistake again.

In the end it all comes down to the choices we make. There are many out there that will tempt us wherever we go and no one to help us make it. For in those times when we feel lonely is when we are at our weakest and strongest. That is why in the Bible the priest were told to sacrifice an animal so that they would be redeemed of all their sin. They had to do it continually over and over. We are smart enough to do whatever we want, yet we are also smart enough to do the wrong things. We will destroy our lives before we build them.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Authors note: now in this novel we are getting somehwere. Some parts are still uncomprehendable but others are showing what happened and why it happened. This story has show the Good vs. Evil and why people do crazy things at times. It is about how they want to be remembered and forgotten. they will not be shown an enemy, for in those times of need they will find help.

In the novel Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Mr. Utterson and Mr. Guest are very confused by the prolonging dissaperance of their old friend. Dr. Jekyll has been shut up in his house, cut off from the outside world for so long that his friends barely remember him even though they try to visit him weekly. He is a lost soul after Mr. Hyde hid away somewhere with his help. He feels the responsibility and thus the actions to be taken so that he may be safe.

We ourselves are not safe in this world of pain and suffering. Every where around us are things that will drive us to our destruction and things that will give us glory. But we make choices in life that decide how we live and what we live for. For if we do not live for a reason then what is the point of living at all? We are afraid of evil and what it stands for yet what will we do to stand up to it. It is this thought racing through our heads every time we have a sports game or a battle in our life. Will we show the good or the evil that comes out of us.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Authors note : this novel has great syntax and language with depiction. Yet in the events it is confusing what the story is trying to say. This novel has confused me to what is going on and what is happening to what will happen . There is an unknown evil in the novel that has shown itself in the words and language that show us the style the author is getting at. Overal theis is a novel of Good vs. Evil.

                Emotions are what make us who we are in life and those that we create are the ones represented by the way we grew up. It is in the human nature to do wrong things and sin yet we can also have control. Control is a word lightly used in the world today, we control our lives yet sometimes we get so caught up in things that the control goes away and everything seems to slip by. In the novel Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide, there is symbolism that is shown and represents many important things in life. One good symbol is the door of which Mr. Utterson wants to go through and see what is on the other side. Control of our lives equals control of our future.
                This door is a good metaphor, one that is used in life daily. For when we want to know something we say all you have to do is open the door and go into the other side. We are right on the doorstep waiting for someone to come along and open it for us yet we ourselves are too scared to. Mr. Utterson is under the impression that once he is able to open the “door” , he will discover the true mystery of who Mr. Hyde is and until that moment he is trying to get help along the way of learning so that he does not have to open that door.
                Mr. Utterson feels uncontrolled in his life when he sees that Mr. Hyde walking at night creeping along. He is worried for Mr. Jekyll safety and does not stop to think that something else is going on here. The Symbolism of Good vs. Evil is showing that Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are mysterious and with Mr. Utterson wanting to gain control of the problems going on he will try to do anything to stop the wheels from turning. We are broken in life until we gain control by slowing down and thinking things through so that we will not make so many mistakes as before. Caught up in our life until that moment shines through to us and we know that it is time.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Dangling poster

I was late for the door, running for the door, my bag fell into the street.